LogRel.AlgorithmicTypingProperties: properties of algorithmic typing.

Small types are large types

In the generic instance we allow to turn any small type into a type, while in the definition of algorithmic typing we only allow it when A is a non-canonical type (in which case it has to be small). So we need to show admissibility of the more general rule.

Lemma algo_typing_small_large Γ A :
  [Γ |-[bn] A : U] ->
  [Γ |-[bn] A].
  enough (BundledTypingInductionConcl
    (fun _ _ => True)
    (fun Γ A t => [Γ |-[de] A U] -> [Γ |-[al] t])
    (fun Γ A t => A = U -> [Γ |-[al] t])
    (fun _ _ _ => True)) as (?&?&H&?).
    intros [].
    split ; tea.
    eapply H.
    2: reflexivity.
    do 2 (econstructor ; tea).
    now eapply redty_red, red_ty_compl_univ_r.
  eapply BundledTypingInduction.
  all: try solve [
    econstructor |
    intros; econstructor; [intros Hcan; inversion Hcan| econstructor;[now econstructor|now eapply redty_red, red_ty_compl_univ_r]]|
    intros; match goal with H : [_ |- _ _] |- _ => unshelve eapply ty_conv_inj in H; try now econstructor; now cbn in H end ].
  - intros * ? [IH] **; subst.
    eapply IH.
    eapply subject_reduction_type ; tea.

Import BundledIntermediateData IntermediateTypingProperties.


Equipped with the equivalence of declarative and algorithmic conversion, we easily derive our third instance.

Module AlgorithmicTypingProperties.
  Export BundledTypingData AlgorithmicConvProperties.

  #[local] Ltac intros_bn :=
    intros ;
    repeat match goal with | H : context [bn] |- _ => destruct H end ;
    econstructor ; try assumption.

  #[export, refine] Instance WfCtxAlgProperties : WfContextProperties (ta := bn) := {}.
    1-8: intros_bn.
    - now do 2 constructor.
    - constructor ; tea.
      now apply algo_typing_sound.

  #[export, refine] Instance WfTypeAlgProperties : WfTypeProperties (ta := bn) := {}.
    all: cycle -1.
    1: intros; now eapply algo_typing_small_large.
    1: intros_bn; now eapply algo_typing_wk.
    1-3: intros_bn; now econstructor.
    intros_bn; econstructor; tea; econstructor; tea; now eapply algo_conv_complete.

  #[export, refine] Instance TypingAlgProperties : TypingProperties (ta := bn) := {}.
    - intros_bn.
      + now eapply algo_typing_wk.
      + gen_typing.
    - intros_bn.
      + now econstructor.
      + constructor.
        now eapply in_ctx_wf.
    - intros_bn.
      + do 2 econstructor ; tea.
        all: now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_univ_r.
      + now do 2 econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      + now econstructor.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        2: econstructor.
        all: boundary.
    - intros * [? ? ? (?&?&[])%red_ty_compl_prod_r] [].
      esplit ; tea.
      + do 2 econstructor ; tea.
        1: now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)).
        eapply algo_conv_complete.
        now etransitivity.
      + eapply typing_subst1 ; tea.
        now eapply inf_conv_decl.
    - intros_bn.
      1: now econstructor.
      now do 2 econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      1: now econstructor.
      now do 2 econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      + do 2 econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_nat_r.
      + now do 2 econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_nat_r.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor.
        eapply typing_subst1.
        1: eauto using inf_conv_decl.
        now eapply algo_typing_sound.
    - intros_bn.
      1: econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_empty_r.
      + econstructor.
        eapply typing_subst1.
        1: eauto using inf_conv_decl.
        now eapply algo_typing_sound.
    - intros_bn.
      1: do 2 econstructor; tea.
      1,2: now eapply (redty_red (ta:=de)), red_ty_compl_univ_r.
    - intros_bn.
      1: do 2 (econstructor; tea); now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      2,3: eapply TypeRefl; refold.
      1,2: boundary.
      now eapply algo_typing_sound.
    - intros * [].
      pose proof bun_inf_conv_conv as [?[?[]]]%red_ty_compl_sig_r .
      econstructor; tea.
      do 2 econstructor; tea; now eapply (redty_red (ta:=de)).
    - intros * [].
      pose proof bun_inf_conv_conv as [?[?[]]]%red_ty_compl_sig_r .
      econstructor; tea.
      1: do 2 econstructor; tea; now eapply (redty_red (ta:=de)).
      eapply typing_subst1; [|now symmetry].
      eapply TermConv; refold; [|now symmetry].
      econstructor. eapply TermRefl.
      now eapply inf_conv_decl.
    - intros_bn.
      + econstructor; tea.
        2,3: econstructor ; tea; now eapply algo_conv_complete.
        econstructor; tea; now eapply red_ty_compl_univ_r.
      + now do 2 econstructor.
    - intros * tyA tyx.
      pose proof tyA as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyx as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      destruct tyA, tyx.
      do 3 (econstructor; tea); now eapply algo_conv_complete.
    - intros * tyA tyx tyP tyhr tyy tye.
      pose proof tyA as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyx as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyP as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyhr as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyy as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tye as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      destruct tyA, tyx, tyP, tyhr, tyy, tye.
      econstructor; tea.
      + econstructor; tea; econstructor; tea.
        all: now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor; eapply typing_subst2; tea.
        cbn; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
    - intros_bn.
      1: eassumption.
      etransitivity ; tea.
      eapply RedConvTyC, subject_reduction_type ; tea.
      now eapply algo_typing_sound.
    - intros_bn.
      1: eassumption.
      etransitivity ; tea.
      now eapply algo_conv_sound in bun_conv_ty.

  #[export, refine] Instance RedTermAlgProperties :
    RedTermProperties (ta := bn) := {}.
    - intros_bn.
      2: now apply credalg_wk.
      econstructor ; tea.
      1: now eapply algo_typing_wk.
      now eapply typing_wk.
    - intros * [? []]; assumption.
    - now intros * [].
    - intros_bn.
      2: apply redalg_one_step; now constructor.
      econstructor ; tea.
      + econstructor.
        1: now do 2 econstructor.
        econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + eapply typing_subst1 ; tea.
        now eapply inf_conv_decl.
    - intros * HP Hz Hs.
      assert [|-[de] Γ] by (destruct Hz ; boundary).
      split ; tea.
      + eapply ty_natElim ; tea.
        econstructor ; tea.
        1: econstructor.
        now do 2 econstructor.
      + apply redalg_one_step ; now constructor.
    - intros * HP Hz Hs [].
      assert [|-[de] Γ] by (destruct Hz ; boundary).
      split ; tea.
      + eapply ty_natElim ; tea.
        * eassumption.
        * do 2 econstructor ; tea.
          now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_nat_r.
        * now do 2 econstructor.
      + apply redalg_one_step; now constructor.
    - intros_bn.
      + eapply red_ty_compl_prod_r in bun_inf_conv_conv0 as (?&?&[]).
        econstructor ; tea.
        1: econstructor.
        * econstructor ; tea.
          now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)).
        * econstructor ; tea.
          eapply algo_conv_complete.
          now etransitivity.
        * eapply typing_subst1 ; tea.
          now eapply inf_conv_decl.
      + now apply redalg_app.
    - intros * [] [] [] [? []].
      assert [Γ |-[al] n h tNat].
        econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_nat_r.
      split ; tea.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor.
        eapply typing_subst1.
        all: eapply algo_typing_sound ; tea.
        2: now econstructor.
        econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + now apply redalg_natElim.
    - intros * [] [?[]].
      assert [Γ |-[al] n h tEmpty].
        econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply (redty_red (ta := de)), red_ty_compl_empty_r.
      split ; tea.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      1: econstructor ; tea.
      + econstructor.
        eapply typing_subst1.
        all: eapply algo_typing_sound ; tea.
        2: now econstructor.
        econstructor ; tea.
        now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + now apply redalg_natEmpty.
    - intros_bn.
      2: econstructor; [|reflexivity]; now constructor.
      1: tea.
      2: eapply TypeRefl; refold; now boundary.
      do 2 econstructor.
      1: do 2 (econstructor; tea); now eapply algo_conv_complete.
    - intros * [? []].
      pose proof bun_inf_conv_conv as [?[?[]]]%red_ty_compl_sig_r.
      econstructor; tea.
      2: now apply redalg_fst.
      econstructor; tea.
      do 2 econstructor; tea; now eapply (redty_red (ta:=de)).
    - intros_bn.
      2: econstructor; [|reflexivity]; now constructor.
      1: tea.
      (* 2: eapply TypeRefl; refold; now boundary. *)
      + do 2 econstructor.
        2: reflexivity.
        do 2 (econstructor; tea); now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + eapply TypeRefl; eapply typing_subst1.
        2: now eapply algo_typing_sound.
        do 2 econstructor.
        * boundary.
        * now eapply algo_typing_sound.
        * now eapply inf_conv_decl.
        * now eapply inf_conv_decl.
    - intros * [? []].
      pose proof bun_inf_conv_conv as [?[?[]]]%red_ty_compl_sig_r.
      econstructor; tea.
      2: now apply redalg_snd.
      econstructor; tea.
      do 2 econstructor; tea; now eapply (redty_red (ta:=de)).
      eapply typing_subst1.
      2: now symmetry.
      eapply TermRefl; eapply wfTermConv; refold; [|now symmetry].
      econstructor; now eapply inf_conv_decl.
    - intros * tyA tyx tyP tyhr tyy tyA' tyz convA convxy convxz.
      pose proof tyA as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyx as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyP as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyhr as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyy as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof convA as ?%bn_conv_sound.
      pose proof convxy as ?%bn_conv_sound.
      pose proof convxz as ?%bn_conv_sound.
      destruct tyA, tyx, tyP, tyhr, tyy, tyA', tyz, convA, convxy, convxz.
      econstructor; tea.
      2: eapply redalg_one_step; constructor.
      assert [Γ |-[ de ] tId A' z z tId A x y].
        econstructor; symmetry; tea.
        1,2: econstructor; tea.
        etransitivity; tea; now symmetry.
      econstructor; tea.
      + econstructor; tea; econstructor; tea.
        4: econstructor; tea; econstructor; tea.
        all: eapply algo_conv_complete; tea.
        now etransitivity.
      + econstructor; eapply typing_subst2; tea.
        cbn; rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
        econstructor; [econstructor; tea|tea].
        now econstructor.
    - intros * tyA tyx tyP tyhr tyy [? tye].
      pose proof tyP as ?%bn_alg_typing_sound.
      pose proof tyy as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      pose proof tye as ?%bn_typing_sound.
      revert tyA tyx tyP tyhr tyy tye; intros_bn.
      2: now eapply redalg_idElim.
      econstructor; tea.
      + econstructor; tea; econstructor; tea.
        all: now eapply algo_conv_complete.
      + econstructor; eapply typing_subst2; tea.
        cbn; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
    - intros_bn.
      eapply algo_conv_sound in bun_conv_ty ; tea.
      econstructor ; tea.
      now etransitivity.
    - intros_bn.
      all: now econstructor.
    - red. intros_bn.
      2: now etransitivity.
      now econstructor.

  #[export, refine] Instance RedTypeAlgProperties :
    RedTypeProperties (ta := bn) := {}.
    - intros_bn.
      1: now apply algo_typing_wk.
      now apply credalg_wk.
    - intros * []; assumption.
    - now intros_bn.
    - intros * [?[]%algo_typing_small_large].
      now econstructor.
    - intros_bn.
      now econstructor.
    - red. intros_bn.
      now etransitivity.

  #[export] Instance AlgorithmicTypingProperties : GenericTypingProperties bn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ := {}.

End AlgorithmicTypingProperties.


Completeness of algorithmic typing

Corollary algo_typing_complete Γ A t :
  [Γ |-[de] t : A] ->
  [Γ |-[bn] t : A].
  now intros [_ _ ?%escapeTm]%(Fundamental (ta := bn)).

Uniqueness of types

Lemma type_uniqueness Γ A A' t :
  [Γ |-[de] t : A] ->
  [Γ |-[de] t : A'] ->
  [Γ |-[de] A A'].
  intros [?? Hinf]%algo_typing_complete [?? Hinf']%algo_typing_complete.
  eapply algo_typing_det in Hinf.
  2: eassumption.
  etransitivity ; tea.
  now symmetry.