LogRel.UntypedReduction: untyped reduction, used to define algorithmic typing.

From Coq Require Import CRelationClasses.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Notations Context NormalForms Weakening.


One-step reduction.

Inductive OneRedAlg : term -> term -> Type :=
| BRed {A a t} :
    [ tApp (tLambda A t) a t[a..] ]
| appSubst {t u a} :
    [ t u ] ->
    [ tApp t a tApp u a ]
| natElimSubst {P hz hs n n'} :
    [ n n' ] ->
    [ tNatElim P hz hs n tNatElim P hz hs n' ]
| natElimZero {P hz hs} :
    [ tNatElim P hz hs tZero hz ]
| natElimSucc {P hz hs n} :
    [ tNatElim P hz hs (tSucc n) tApp (tApp hs n) (tNatElim P hz hs n) ]
| emptyElimSubst {P e e'} :
    [e e'] ->
    [tEmptyElim P e tEmptyElim P e']
| fstSubst {p p'} :
    [ p p'] ->
    [ tFst p tFst p']
| fstPair {A B a b} :
    [ tFst (tPair A B a b) a ]
| sndSubst {p p'} :
    [ p p'] ->
    [ tSnd p tSnd p']
| sndPair {A B a b} :
    [ tSnd (tPair A B a b) b ]
| idElimRefl {A x P hr y A' z} :
  [ tIdElim A x P hr y (tRefl A' z) hr ]
| idElimSubst {A x P hr y e e'} :
  [e e'] ->
  [ tIdElim A x P hr y e tIdElim A x P hr y e' ]

where "[ t ⤳ t' ]" := (OneRedAlg t t') : typing_scope.

(* Keep in sync with OneRedTermDecl! *)

Multi-step reduction

Inductive RedClosureAlg : term -> term -> Type :=
  | redIdAlg {t} :
    [ t ⤳* t ]
  | redSuccAlg {t t' u} :
    [ t t'] ->
    [ t' ⤳* u ] ->
    [ t ⤳* u ]
  where "[ t ⤳* t' ]" := (RedClosureAlg t t') : typing_scope.

#[export] Instance RedAlgTrans : PreOrder RedClosureAlg.
    - now econstructor.
    - intros * ; induction 1.
      1: easy.
      now econstructor.


Weak-head normal forms do not reduce

Ltac inv_whne :=
  match goal with [ H : whne _ |- _ ] => inversion H end.

Lemma whne_nored n u :
  whne n -> [n u] -> False.
  intros ne red.
  induction red in ne |- *.
  all: inversion ne ; subst ; clear ne.
  2: auto.
  all: now inv_whne.

Lemma whnf_nored n u :
  whnf n -> [n u] -> False.
  intros nf red.
  induction red in nf |- *.
  2,3,6,7,9,12: inversion nf; subst; inv_whne; subst; apply IHred; now constructor.
  all: inversion nf; subst; inv_whne; subst; try now inv_whne.

Determinism of reduction

Lemma ored_det {t u v} :
  [t u] -> [t v] ->
  u = v.
  intros red red'.
  induction red in v, red' |- *.
  - inversion red' ; subst ; clear red'.
    + reflexivity.
    + exfalso.
      eapply whnf_nored.
      2: eassumption.
      now econstructor.
  - inversion red' ; subst ; clear red'.
    + exfalso.
      eapply whnf_nored.
      2: eassumption.
      now econstructor.
    + f_equal.
  - inversion red'; subst.
    2,3: exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
    f_equal; eauto.
  - inversion red'; try reflexivity; subst.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; try reflexivity; subst.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst.
    f_equal; eauto.
  - inversion red'; subst; clear red'.
    1: f_equal; now eapply IHred.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst; try reflexivity.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst; clear red'.
    1: f_equal; now eapply IHred.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst; try reflexivity.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored; tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst; try reflexivity.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored;tea; constructor.
  - inversion red'; subst.
    2: f_equal; eauto.
    exfalso; eapply whnf_nored;tea; constructor.

Lemma red_whne t u : [t ⤳* u] -> whne t -> t = u.
  intros [] ?.
  1: reflexivity.
  eauto using whne_nored.

Lemma red_whnf t u : [t ⤳* u] -> whnf t -> t = u.
  intros [] ?.
  1: reflexivity.
  eauto using whnf_nored.

Lemma whred_red_det t u u' :
  whnf u ->
  [t ⤳* u] -> [t ⤳* u'] ->
  [u' ⤳* u].
  intros whnf red red'.
  induction red in whnf, u', red' |- *.
  - eapply red_whnf in red' as -> ; tea.
    now econstructor.
  - destruct red' as [? | ? ? ? o'].
    + now econstructor.
    + unshelve epose proof (ored_det o o') as <-.
      now eapply IHred.

Corollary whred_det t u u' :
  whnf u -> whnf u' ->
  [t ⤳* u] -> [t ⤳* u'] ->
  u = u'.
  eapply red_whnf ; tea.
  now eapply whred_red_det.

Stability by weakening

Lemma oredalg_wk (ρ : nat -> nat) (t u : term) :
[t u] ->
[tρ uρ].
  intros Hred.
  induction Hred in ρ |- *.
  2-5,6-12: cbn; asimpl; now econstructor.
  - cbn ; asimpl.
    evar (t' : term).
    replace (subst_term _ t) with t'.
    all: subst t'.
    1: econstructor.
    now asimpl.

Lemma credalg_wk (ρ : nat -> nat) (t u : term) :
[t ⤳* u] ->
[tρ ⤳* uρ].
  induction 1 ; econstructor ; eauto using oredalg_wk.

Derived rules

Lemma redalg_app {t t' u} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tApp t u ⤳* tApp t' u].
induction 1.
+ reflexivity.
+ econstructor; [|eassumption].
  now econstructor.

Lemma redalg_natElim {P hs hz t t'} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tNatElim P hs hz t ⤳* tNatElim P hs hz t'].
induction 1.
+ reflexivity.
+ econstructor; [|eassumption].
  now econstructor.

Lemma redalg_natEmpty {P t t'} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tEmptyElim P t ⤳* tEmptyElim P t'].
induction 1.
+ reflexivity.
+ econstructor; [|eassumption].
  now econstructor.

Lemma redalg_fst {t t'} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tFst t ⤳* tFst t'].
  induction 1; [reflexivity|].
  econstructor; tea; now constructor.

Lemma redalg_snd {t t'} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tSnd t ⤳* tSnd t'].
  induction 1; [reflexivity|].
  econstructor; tea; now constructor.

Lemma redalg_idElim {A x P hr y t t'} : [t ⤳* t'] -> [tIdElim A x P hr y t ⤳* tIdElim A x P hr y t'].
  induction 1; [reflexivity|].
  econstructor; tea; now constructor.

Lemma redalg_one_step {t t'} : [t t'] -> [t ⤳* t'].
Proof. intros; econstructor;[tea|reflexivity]. Qed.