LogRel.NormalForms: definition of normal and neutral forms, and properties.
From Coq Require Import ssrbool.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Context.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Context.
Inductive whnf : term -> Type :=
| whnf_tSort {s} : whnf (tSort s)
| whnf_tProd {A B} : whnf (tProd A B)
| whnf_tLambda {A t} : whnf (tLambda A t)
| whnf_tNat : whnf tNat
| whnf_tZero : whnf tZero
| whnf_tSucc {n} : whnf (tSucc n)
| whnf_tEmpty : whnf tEmpty
| whnf_tSig {A B} : whnf (tSig A B)
| whnf_tPair {A B a b} : whnf (tPair A B a b)
| whnf_tId {A x y} : whnf (tId A x y)
| whnf_tRefl {A x} : whnf (tRefl A x)
| whnf_whne {n} : whne n -> whnf n
with whne : term -> Type :=
| whne_tRel {v} : whne (tRel v)
| whne_tApp {n t} : whne n -> whne (tApp n t)
| whne_tNatElim {P hz hs n} : whne n -> whne (tNatElim P hz hs n)
| whne_tEmptyElim {P e} : whne e -> whne (tEmptyElim P e)
| whne_tFst {p} : whne p -> whne (tFst p)
| whne_tSnd {p} : whne p -> whne (tSnd p)
| whne_tIdElim {A x P hr y e} : whne e -> whne (tIdElim A x P hr y e).
#[global] Hint Constructors whne whnf : gen_typing.
Ltac inv_whne :=
repeat lazymatch goal with
| H : whne _ |- _ =>
try solve [inversion H] ; block H
end; unblock.
Lemma neSort s : whne (tSort s) -> False.
inversion 1.
Lemma nePi A B : whne (tProd A B) -> False.
inversion 1.
Lemma neLambda A t : whne (tLambda A t) -> False.
inversion 1.
#[global] Hint Resolve neSort nePi neLambda : gen_typing.
Inductive isType : term -> Type :=
| UnivType {s} : isType (tSort s)
| ProdType { A B} : isType (tProd A B)
| NatType : isType tNat
| EmptyType : isType tEmpty
| SigType {A B} : isType (tSig A B)
| IdType {A x y} : isType (tId A x y)
| NeType {A} : whne A -> isType A.
Inductive isPosType : term -> Type :=
| UnivPos {s} : isPosType (tSort s)
| NatPos : isPosType tNat
| EmptyPos : isPosType tEmpty
| IdPos {A x y} : isPosType (tId A x y)
| NePos {A} : whne A -> isPosType A.
Inductive isFun : term -> Type :=
| LamFun {A t} : isFun (tLambda A t)
| NeFun {f} : whne f -> isFun f.
Inductive isNat : term -> Type :=
| ZeroNat : isNat tZero
| SuccNat {t} : isNat (tSucc t)
| NeNat {n} : whne n -> isNat n.
Inductive isPair : term -> Type :=
| PairPair {A B a b} : isPair (tPair A B a b)
| NePair {p} : whne p -> isPair p.
Definition isPosType_isType t (i : isPosType t) : isType t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.
Coercion isPosType_isType : isPosType >-> isType.
Definition isType_whnf t (i : isType t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.
Coercion isType_whnf : isType >-> whnf.
Definition isFun_whnf t (i : isFun t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.
Coercion isFun_whnf : isFun >-> whnf.
Definition isPair_whnf t (i : isPair t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.
Coercion isPair_whnf : isPair >-> whnf.
Definition isNat_whnf t (i : isNat t) : whnf t :=
match i with
| ZeroNat => whnf_tZero
| SuccNat => whnf_tSucc
| NeNat n => whnf_whne n
#[global] Hint Resolve isPosType_isType isType_whnf isFun_whnf isNat_whnf isPair_whnf : gen_typing.
#[global] Hint Constructors isPosType isType isFun isNat : gen_typing.
Inductive isCanonical : term -> Type :=
| can_tSort {s} : isCanonical (tSort s)
| can_tProd {A B} : isCanonical (tProd A B)
| can_tLambda {A t} : isCanonical (tLambda A t)
| can_tNat : isCanonical tNat
| can_tZero : isCanonical tZero
| can_tSucc {n} : isCanonical (tSucc n)
| can_tEmpty : isCanonical tEmpty
| can_tSig {A B} : isCanonical (tSig A B)
| can_tPair {A B a b}: isCanonical (tPair A B a b)
| can_tId {A x y}: isCanonical (tId A x y)
| can_tRefl {A x}: isCanonical (tRefl A x).
#[global] Hint Constructors isCanonical : gen_typing.
Section RenWhnf.
Variable (ρ : nat -> nat).
Lemma whne_ren t : whne t -> whne (t⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: now econstructor.
Lemma whnf_ren t : whnf t -> whnf (t⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isType_ren A : isType A -> isType (A⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isPosType_ren A : isPosType A -> isPosType (A⟨ρ⟩).
destruct 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isFun_ren f : isFun f -> isFun (f⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isPair_ren f : isPair f -> isPair (f⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isCanonical_ren t : isCanonical t <~> isCanonical (t⟨ρ⟩).
all: destruct t ; cbn ; inversion 1.
all: now econstructor.
End RenWhnf.
#[global] Hint Resolve whne_ren whnf_ren isType_ren isPosType_ren isFun_ren isCanonical_ren : gen_typing.