LogRel.NormalForms: definition of normal and neutral forms, and properties.

From Coq Require Import ssrbool.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Context.

Weak-head normal forms and neutrals.

Inductive whnf : term -> Type :=
  | whnf_tSort {s} : whnf (tSort s)
  | whnf_tProd {A B} : whnf (tProd A B)
  | whnf_tLambda {A t} : whnf (tLambda A t)
  | whnf_tNat : whnf tNat
  | whnf_tZero : whnf tZero
  | whnf_tSucc {n} : whnf (tSucc n)
  | whnf_tEmpty : whnf tEmpty
  | whnf_tSig {A B} : whnf (tSig A B)
  | whnf_tPair {A B a b} : whnf (tPair A B a b)
  | whnf_tId {A x y} : whnf (tId A x y)
  | whnf_tRefl {A x} : whnf (tRefl A x)
  | whnf_whne {n} : whne n -> whnf n
with whne : term -> Type :=
  | whne_tRel {v} : whne (tRel v)
  | whne_tApp {n t} : whne n -> whne (tApp n t)
  | whne_tNatElim {P hz hs n} : whne n -> whne (tNatElim P hz hs n)
  | whne_tEmptyElim {P e} : whne e -> whne (tEmptyElim P e)
  | whne_tFst {p} : whne p -> whne (tFst p)
  | whne_tSnd {p} : whne p -> whne (tSnd p)
  | whne_tIdElim {A x P hr y e} : whne e -> whne (tIdElim A x P hr y e).

#[global] Hint Constructors whne whnf : gen_typing.

Ltac inv_whne :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
    | H : whne _ |- _ =>
    try solve [inversion H] ; block H
  end; unblock.

Lemma neSort s : whne (tSort s) -> False.
  inversion 1.

Lemma nePi A B : whne (tProd A B) -> False.
  inversion 1.

Lemma neLambda A t : whne (tLambda A t) -> False.
  inversion 1.

#[global] Hint Resolve neSort nePi neLambda : gen_typing.

Restricted classes of normal forms

Inductive isType : term -> Type :=
  | UnivType {s} : isType (tSort s)
  | ProdType { A B} : isType (tProd A B)
  | NatType : isType tNat
  | EmptyType : isType tEmpty
  | SigType {A B} : isType (tSig A B)
  | IdType {A x y} : isType (tId A x y)
  | NeType {A} : whne A -> isType A.

Inductive isPosType : term -> Type :=
  | UnivPos {s} : isPosType (tSort s)
  | NatPos : isPosType tNat
  | EmptyPos : isPosType tEmpty
  | IdPos {A x y} : isPosType (tId A x y)
  | NePos {A} : whne A -> isPosType A.

Inductive isFun : term -> Type :=
  | LamFun {A t} : isFun (tLambda A t)
  | NeFun {f} : whne f -> isFun f.

Inductive isNat : term -> Type :=
  | ZeroNat : isNat tZero
  | SuccNat {t} : isNat (tSucc t)
  | NeNat {n} : whne n -> isNat n.

Inductive isPair : term -> Type :=
  | PairPair {A B a b} : isPair (tPair A B a b)
  | NePair {p} : whne p -> isPair p.

Definition isPosType_isType t (i : isPosType t) : isType t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.

Coercion isPosType_isType : isPosType >-> isType.

Definition isType_whnf t (i : isType t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.

Coercion isType_whnf : isType >-> whnf.

Definition isFun_whnf t (i : isFun t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.

Coercion isFun_whnf : isFun >-> whnf.

Definition isPair_whnf t (i : isPair t) : whnf t.
Proof. destruct i; now constructor. Defined.

Coercion isPair_whnf : isPair >-> whnf.

Definition isNat_whnf t (i : isNat t) : whnf t :=
  match i with
  | ZeroNat => whnf_tZero
  | SuccNat => whnf_tSucc
  | NeNat n => whnf_whne n

#[global] Hint Resolve isPosType_isType isType_whnf isFun_whnf isNat_whnf isPair_whnf : gen_typing.
#[global] Hint Constructors isPosType isType isFun isNat : gen_typing.

Canonical forms

Inductive isCanonical : term -> Type :=
  | can_tSort {s} : isCanonical (tSort s)
  | can_tProd {A B} : isCanonical (tProd A B)
  | can_tLambda {A t} : isCanonical (tLambda A t)
  | can_tNat : isCanonical tNat
  | can_tZero : isCanonical tZero
  | can_tSucc {n} : isCanonical (tSucc n)
  | can_tEmpty : isCanonical tEmpty
  | can_tSig {A B} : isCanonical (tSig A B)
  | can_tPair {A B a b}: isCanonical (tPair A B a b)
  | can_tId {A x y}: isCanonical (tId A x y)
  | can_tRefl {A x}: isCanonical (tRefl A x).

#[global] Hint Constructors isCanonical : gen_typing.

Normal and neutral forms are stable by renaming

Section RenWhnf.

  Variable (ρ : nat -> nat).

  Lemma whne_ren t : whne t -> whne (tρ).
    induction 1 ; cbn.
    all: now econstructor.

  Lemma whnf_ren t : whnf t -> whnf (tρ).
    induction 1 ; cbn.
    all: econstructor.
    now eapply whne_ren.

  Lemma isType_ren A : isType A -> isType (Aρ).
    induction 1 ; cbn.
    all: econstructor.
    now eapply whne_ren.

  Lemma isPosType_ren A : isPosType A -> isPosType (Aρ).
    destruct 1 ; cbn.
    all: econstructor.
    now eapply whne_ren.

  Lemma isFun_ren f : isFun f -> isFun (fρ).
    induction 1 ; cbn.
    all: econstructor.
    now eapply whne_ren.

  Lemma isPair_ren f : isPair f -> isPair (fρ).
    induction 1 ; cbn.
    all: econstructor.
    now eapply whne_ren.

  Lemma isCanonical_ren t : isCanonical t <~> isCanonical (tρ).
    all: destruct t ; cbn ; inversion 1.
    all: now econstructor.

End RenWhnf.

#[global] Hint Resolve whne_ren whnf_ren isType_ren isPosType_ren isFun_ren isCanonical_ren : gen_typing.