LogRel.AutoSubst.Extra: extra content to better handle the boilerplate generated by AutoSubst.
From smpl Require Import Smpl.
From Coq Require Import ssrbool List.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst.
(* Export UnscopedNotations.
[global] Open Scope subst_scope. *)
Declare Scope asubst_scope.
Delimit Scope asubst_scope with asub.
Arguments funcomp {X Y Z}%_type_scope (g f)%_function_scope.
Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp g f) (at level 50) : function_scope.
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 55, sigma at next level, right associativity) : asubst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩" := (ren1 xi1 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩") : asubst_scope.
(* Notation "⟨ xi ⟩" := (ren1 xi) (at level 1, left associativity, format "⟨ xi ⟩") : function_scope. *)
Notation "s [ sigma ]" := (subst1 sigma s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ sigma ]") : asubst_scope.
Notation "s [ t ]⇑" := (subst_term (scons t (shift >> tRel)) s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ t ]⇑") : asubst_scope.
Notation "s '..'" := (scons s ids) (at level 1, format "s ..") : asubst_scope.
Notation "↑" := (shift) : asubst_scope.
#[global] Open Scope asubst_scope.
Notation U := (tSort set).
Notation "'eta_expand' f" := (tApp f⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) (at level 40, only parsing).
#[global] Instance Ren1_subst {Y Z : Type} `{Ren1 (nat -> nat) Y Z} :
(Ren1 (nat -> nat) (nat -> Y) (nat -> Z)) :=
fun ρ σ i => (σ i)⟨ρ⟩.
Ltac fold_autosubst :=
fold ren_term ;
fold subst_term.
Smpl Add fold_autosubst : refold.
Ltac change_autosubst :=
change ren_term with (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren_term) in * ;
change subst_term with (@subst1 _ _ _ Subst_term) in *;
change (fun i => (?σ i)⟨?ρ⟩) with (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren1_subst ρ σ) in *.
Smpl Add 50 change_autosubst : refold.
Arguments ren1 {_ _ _}%_type_scope {Ren1} _ !_/.
(* Ideally, we'd like Ren_term to not be there, and ren_term to be directly the Ren1 instance… *)
Arguments Ren_term _ _ /.
Arguments Ren1_subst {_ _ _} _ _/.
Notation arr A B := (tProd A B⟨↑⟩).
Notation comp A f g := (tLambda A (tApp f⟨↑⟩ (tApp g⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)))).
Notation idterm A := (tLambda A (tRel 0)).
Lemma arr_ren1 {A B} : forall ρ, (arr A B)⟨ρ⟩ = arr A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨ρ⟩.
now asimpl.
Lemma subst_arr A B σ : (arr A B)[σ] = arr A[σ] B[σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma subst_prod X Y σ : (tProd X Y)[σ] = tProd X[σ] Y[up_term_term σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma shift_up_eq {t σ} : t⟨↑⟩[up_term_term σ] = t[σ]⟨↑⟩.
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma up_single_subst {t σ u} : t[up_term_term σ][u..] = t[u .: σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma up_liftSubst_eq {σ t u} : t[up_term_term σ][u]⇑ = t[u .: ↑ >> up_term_term σ].
asimpl. eapply ext_term; intros [|n]; cbn.
1: reflexivity.
unfold funcomp; now rewrite rinstInst'_term.
Lemma liftSubst_scons_eq {t u v: term} σ : t[u]⇑[v .: σ] = t[u[v .: σ] .: σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Definition elimSuccHypTy P :=
tProd tNat (arr P P[tSucc (tRel 0)]⇑).
From Coq Require Import ssrbool List.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst.
(* Export UnscopedNotations.
[global] Open Scope subst_scope. *)
Declare Scope asubst_scope.
Delimit Scope asubst_scope with asub.
Arguments funcomp {X Y Z}%_type_scope (g f)%_function_scope.
Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp g f) (at level 50) : function_scope.
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 55, sigma at next level, right associativity) : asubst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩" := (ren1 xi1 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩") : asubst_scope.
(* Notation "⟨ xi ⟩" := (ren1 xi) (at level 1, left associativity, format "⟨ xi ⟩") : function_scope. *)
Notation "s [ sigma ]" := (subst1 sigma s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ sigma ]") : asubst_scope.
Notation "s [ t ]⇑" := (subst_term (scons t (shift >> tRel)) s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ t ]⇑") : asubst_scope.
Notation "s '..'" := (scons s ids) (at level 1, format "s ..") : asubst_scope.
Notation "↑" := (shift) : asubst_scope.
#[global] Open Scope asubst_scope.
Notation U := (tSort set).
Notation "'eta_expand' f" := (tApp f⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) (at level 40, only parsing).
#[global] Instance Ren1_subst {Y Z : Type} `{Ren1 (nat -> nat) Y Z} :
(Ren1 (nat -> nat) (nat -> Y) (nat -> Z)) :=
fun ρ σ i => (σ i)⟨ρ⟩.
Ltac fold_autosubst :=
fold ren_term ;
fold subst_term.
Smpl Add fold_autosubst : refold.
Ltac change_autosubst :=
change ren_term with (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren_term) in * ;
change subst_term with (@subst1 _ _ _ Subst_term) in *;
change (fun i => (?σ i)⟨?ρ⟩) with (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren1_subst ρ σ) in *.
Smpl Add 50 change_autosubst : refold.
Arguments ren1 {_ _ _}%_type_scope {Ren1} _ !_/.
(* Ideally, we'd like Ren_term to not be there, and ren_term to be directly the Ren1 instance… *)
Arguments Ren_term _ _ /.
Arguments Ren1_subst {_ _ _} _ _/.
Notation arr A B := (tProd A B⟨↑⟩).
Notation comp A f g := (tLambda A (tApp f⟨↑⟩ (tApp g⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)))).
Notation idterm A := (tLambda A (tRel 0)).
Lemma arr_ren1 {A B} : forall ρ, (arr A B)⟨ρ⟩ = arr A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨ρ⟩.
now asimpl.
Lemma subst_arr A B σ : (arr A B)[σ] = arr A[σ] B[σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma subst_prod X Y σ : (tProd X Y)[σ] = tProd X[σ] Y[up_term_term σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma shift_up_eq {t σ} : t⟨↑⟩[up_term_term σ] = t[σ]⟨↑⟩.
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma up_single_subst {t σ u} : t[up_term_term σ][u..] = t[u .: σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma up_liftSubst_eq {σ t u} : t[up_term_term σ][u]⇑ = t[u .: ↑ >> up_term_term σ].
asimpl. eapply ext_term; intros [|n]; cbn.
1: reflexivity.
unfold funcomp; now rewrite rinstInst'_term.
Lemma liftSubst_scons_eq {t u v: term} σ : t[u]⇑[v .: σ] = t[u[v .: σ] .: σ].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Definition elimSuccHypTy P :=
tProd tNat (arr P P[tSucc (tRel 0)]⇑).