LogRel.Context: definition of contexts and operations on them.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect Morphisms Setoid.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst.
Set Primitive Projections.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst.
Set Primitive Projections.
Context declaration
Context: list of declarations Terms use de Bruijn indices to refer to context entries.Definition context := list term.
Notation "'ε'" := (@nil term).
Notation " Γ ,, d " := (@cons term d Γ) (at level 20, d at next level).
Notation " Γ ,,, Δ " := (@app term Δ Γ) (at level 25, Δ at next level, left associativity).
States that a definition, correctly weakened, is in a context.
Inductive in_ctx : context -> nat -> term -> Type :=
| in_here (Γ : context) d : in_ctx (Γ,,d) 0 (d⟨↑⟩)
| in_there (Γ : context) d d' n : in_ctx Γ n d -> in_ctx (Γ,,d') (S n) (ren_term shift d).
Lemma in_ctx_inj Γ n decl decl' :
in_ctx Γ n decl -> in_ctx Γ n decl' -> decl = decl'.
induction 1 in decl' |- * ; inversion 1 ; subst.
1: reflexivity.
now f_equal.
| in_here (Γ : context) d : in_ctx (Γ,,d) 0 (d⟨↑⟩)
| in_there (Γ : context) d d' n : in_ctx Γ n d -> in_ctx (Γ,,d') (S n) (ren_term shift d).
Lemma in_ctx_inj Γ n decl decl' :
in_ctx Γ n decl -> in_ctx Γ n decl' -> decl = decl'.
induction 1 in decl' |- * ; inversion 1 ; subst.
1: reflexivity.
now f_equal.