Library Equiv

Equivalences (first-order)

Functor class

Definition compose {A B C} : (A B) (B C) A C := fun f g xg (f x).

Notation "g ° f" := (compose f g) (at level 1).

Class Functor A B (relA : A A Type) (relB : B B Type) (f:A B) :=
  { ap : x y, relA x y relB (f x) (f y)}.

Instance FunctorOnEq A B (f : A B) : Functor A B eq eq f :=
  {| ap := fun x y e HoTT.ap f e |}.

Type equivalence

A typeclass that includes the data making f into an adjoint equivalence.
Class IsEquiv {A B : Type} (f : A B) := BuildIsEquiv {
  e_inv : B A ;
  e_sect : e_inv ° f == id;
  e_retr : f ° e_inv == id;
  e_adj : x : A, e_retr (f x) = ap f (e_sect x)

A class that includes all the data of an adjoint equivalence.
Record Equiv A B := BuildEquiv {
  e_fun : A B ;
  e_isequiv : IsEquiv e_fun

Notation "A ≃ B" := (Equiv A B) (at level 20).

Partial Equivalences

Instance FunctorOnPreorder A B `{PreOrder_p A} `{PreOrder_p B} (f : A --> B) :
  Functor A B _ _ f :=
  {| ap := fun x y e f.(mon) e |}.

Hint Extern 1 (Functor ?X ?Y _ _ ?f) ⇒ apply FunctorOnPreorder : typeclass_instances.

Class IsPartialEquiv {X Y} `{PreOrder_p X} `{PreOrder_p Y} (f:X --> Y)
  := {
      pe_inv : Y --> X;
      pe_sect : pe_inv ° f id ;
      pe_retr : f ° pe_inv id;
      pe_adj : x, pe_retr (f x) = ap f (pe_sect x);

Class CanonicalPartialEquiv X Y `{PreOrder_p X} `{PreOrder_p Y} := {
  pe_fun : X --> Y ;
  pe_isequiv : IsPartialEquiv pe_fun

Notation "A ≃? B" := (CanonicalPartialEquiv A B) (at level 20).

Partial Kleisli Equivalences

A monotone function f: A B is a partial equivalence PartialEquiv if some of the b: B maps back to the same a: A they come from. Think of A as being a refinement of B and f as dropping the refinement: not all B's are valid A's but the one which are can easily be mapped back to A.

Definition compV {X Y Z} {f f':X Y} {g g' : Y Z} : f f' g g'
                                                       g °° f (g' °° f').

Notation "f °V g" := (compV f g) (at level 20).

Definition α {X Y Z T} (f:X Y) (g:Y Z) (h:Z T):
    (h °° (g °° f)) ((h °° g) °° f).

Definition idR {X Y} (f:X Y):
  (creturn °° f) f.

Definition idL {X Y} (f:X Y):
  (f °° creturn) f.

Notation "f °H g" := (rel_trans f g) (at level 60).

Notation "'idK' f" := (rel_refl f) (at level 60).

Class IsPartialEquivK {X Y} (f:X Y)
  := {
      pek_inv : Y X;
      pek_sect : pek_inv °° f creturn ;
      pek_retr : f °° pek_inv creturn;
      pek_adj : x,
          ((pek_sect °V (idK f)) °H idL f) x =
          (α _ _ _ °H ((idK f) °V pek_retr) °H idR f) x

Record PartialEquivK X Y := {
  pek_fun : X Y ;
  pek_isequiv : IsPartialEquivK pek_fun

Notation "A ≃?K B" := (PartialEquivK A B) (at level 20).

Sanity Check: lifting an equivalance yields a partial equivalence in the Kleisli category

Definition concat_1p {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
  eq_refl @ p = p
  match p with eq_refleq_refl end.

Definition concat_p1 {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
  p @ eq_refl = p
  match p with eq_refleq_refl end.

Definition ap_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A B) (g : B C) {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
  ap (g ° f) p = ap g (ap f p).

Definition transport_bind A (x y : A) (e:x=y) B (f : A B):
  transport (λ X : Cast A, Some (f x) = b <- X; clift f b)
            (ap creturn e) eq_refl
            = ap creturn (ap f e).

Definition EquivToPartialEquivK A B (f :A B) (H :IsEquiv f) : IsPartialEquivK (clift f).

Notation π1 := (@projT1 _ _).

we have a subset equivalence between B and {C,P} if the type family B is isomorphic with a (computationally-relevant) type C and a (computationally-irrelevant) relation P, ie.
     [B a ≅ { c : C & P a c }]
  • C is non-dependent in a : A, by definition.
  • Usually, A plays the role of the indices, B is an inductive family indexed over A. C are the "raw", computational terms while P is a validity predicate.

Definition to_subset {C P} `{Show C} `{ c, CheckableProp (P c)}
           : C ({c:C & P c}) := fun c
   match dec (@checkP _ check) with
  | inl pSome (c; convert p)
  | inr _Fail _ (Cast_info_wrap (show c))

Instance HSet_HProp X `{IsHSet X} : (a b : X), IsHProp (a = b) :=
  fun a bis_hprop (IsHProp := isHSet a b).

Program Definition Checkable_PartialEquivK C P `{Show C}
         `{ c, CheckableProp (P c)} `{IsHSet C}:
  PartialEquivK {c:C & P c} C :=
  {| pek_fun := (clift π1 : {c:C & P c} C);
     pek_isequiv := {| pek_inv := to_subset |}|}.

Injective functions (model constructors)

Class IsInjective {A B : Type} (f : A B) :=
      i_inv : B A;
      i_sect : i_inv ° f == creturn ;
      i_retr : clift f °° i_inv creturn

Notation "f ^?-1" := (@i_inv _ _ f _) (at level 3, format "f '^?-1'").

Instance Injective_comp {A B C}
         (f : A B) (g : B C)
         `{IsInjective A B f} `{IsInjective B C g}:
  IsInjective (g ° f)
  := {| i_inv := (f^?-1 °° g^?-1) |}.

Instances of IsInjective

The identity is an injection :

Definition IsInjective_id {A:Type}: IsInjective (@id A).

The predecessor over natural numbers is a partial equivalence:

Definition S_inv (n: nat) :=
  match n with
    | OFail _ (Cast_info_wrap "invalid index")
    | S n'Some n'

Instance IsInjective_S: IsInjective S :=
  {| i_inv := S_inv : nat Cast nat |}.