Library CastMonad

Require Import Ascii String Decidable HoTT PreOrder.
Require Import ExtrOcamlString.

Set Implicit Arguments.

The Cast monad


Inductive _Cast A info :=
  | Some : A _Cast A info
  | Fail : info _Cast A info.

We need to assume that the string message is irrelevant. We would not prositional truncation an axiom we were using the simpler version with None

Notation Cast_info := (Trunc (string)).

Notation Cast A := (_Cast A Cast_info).

Unset Implicit Arguments.

Notation "A ⇀ B" := (A Cast B) (at level 50).

Transport maps

Definition transport_Cast (A : Type) (B : A Type) {info} a a' (e:a=a') x:
  transport (fun a_Cast (B a) info) e (Some x) = Some (e # x).

Definition transport_Cast_Fail (A : Type) (B : A Type) a a' (e:a=a') {info} i:
  transport (fun a_Cast (B a) info) e (Fail _ i) = Fail _ i.

Definition path_Cast {A info} {x y : _Cast A info} `{IsHProp info}
           (xy : match x,y with
                   Some x0, Some y0x0 = y0
                 | Fail _ _ , Fail _ _True
                 | _, _False end) : x = y.

Definition path_Cast_inv {A info} {x y : _Cast A info} :
           x = y
           match x,y with
                   Some x0, Some y0x0 = y0
                 | Fail _ _ , Fail _ _True
                 | _, _False end.

Definition Some_inj {A info} {x y : A} : Some x = Some y x = y :=
  fun epath_Cast_inv (info := info) e.

Definition Some_inj_sect {A info} {x y :A} (e:x=y) : Some_inj (ap (@Some _ info) e) = e.

Definition Some_inj_retr {A} {x y : Cast A} (e: x = y) :
  path_Cast (path_Cast_inv e) = e.

Definition Some_inj_eq {A} {x y :A} (e:Some x= Some y) : ap (@Some _ _) (Some_inj e) = e := Some_inj_retr e.

Monadic operations

Definition creturn {A info} : A _Cast A info := Some.

Definition clift {A B info} : (A B) A _Cast B info :=
  fun f acreturn (f a).

Definition cbind {A B info} : (A _Cast B info) _Cast A info _Cast B info := fun f a
  match a with
      Some af a
    | Fail _ iFail _ i

Notation "x >>= f" := (cbind f x) (at level 50).

Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := (e1 >>= (fun xe2))
                            (right associativity, at level 60).

Definition kleisli_comp {A B C info}:
  (A _Cast B info) (B _Cast C info) (A _Cast C info) :=
  fun f g ab <- f a ; g b.

Notation "g °° f" := (kleisli_comp f g) (at level 50).

Definition cbind_Some {A B info} x (f:A _Cast B info) b :
  x >>= f = Some b {a:A & ((x = Some a) × (f a = Some b))%type}.

Definition cbind_Some' {A B info} x (f:A _Cast B info) b :
   {a:A & ((x = Some a) × (f a = Some b))%type}
  x >>= f = Some b.

Lemma cbind_right_id {A info} (x : _Cast A info):
  (x >>= creturn) = x.

Lemma cbind_assoc {A B C info} x (f: A _Cast B info)(g: B _Cast C info):
  (x >>= f) >>= g = x >>= (fun xf x >>= g).


Extraction Language Ocaml.

Transparent extraction of Cast:
  • if Some t, then extract plain t
  • if Fail, then fail with a runtime cast exception

Record cast_erasure (X Y : Type) :=
    { f_ord : X }.

Extract Inductive _Cast
⇒ "cast_erasure"
     [ ""
       "(let f s = failwith (String.concat """" ([""Cast failure: ""]@ ( (String.make 1) s))) in f)"
     "(let new_pattern some none = some in new_pattern)".


Example cast_some {info} : unit _Cast bool info := fun _Some true.

Definition Cast_info_wrap s : Cast_info := (tr s).

Example cast_fail : unit Cast bool := fun _Fail bool (Cast_info_wrap "H").

Example use_bool (cb: Cast bool) := cb >>= (fun bcreturn (andb b b)).

Example use_some := fun xuse_bool (cast_some x).
Example use_fail := fun xuse_bool (cast_fail x).

Extraction "" cast_some cast_fail use_some use_fail.

Decidable instances

Instance Decidable_eq_cast : A (HA: DecidablePaths A)
  (x y: Cast A), Decidable (eq x y).

Instance DecidablePaths_cast :
   A (HA: DecidablePaths A), DecidablePaths (Cast A) :=
  { dec_paths := Decidable_eq_cast A HA }.

Preorder instance

We define a notion of preorder between functions on the Cast monad

Instance PreOrderCast A : PreOrder_p (Cast A) :=
  {| rel := fun a a' match a with
                     | Some _ a = a'
                     | Fail _ _ True
     bot := Fail _ (Cast_info_wrap "cast") |}.

To avoid failure of evaluation of bot in ocaml code

Extract Constant PreOrderCast ⇒ "0".

Instance PreOrderCast_HProp A `{ x y : A, IsHProp (x=y)}
         (x y : Cast A) : IsHProp (x y).