LogRel.Weakening: definition of well-formed weakenings, and some properties.
From Coq Require Import Lia ssrbool.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Notations Context NormalForms.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst Notations Context NormalForms.
Raw weakenings
Inductive weakening : Set :=
| _wk_empty : weakening
| _wk_step (w : weakening) : weakening
| _wk_up (w : weakening) : weakening.
Fixpoint _wk_id (Γ : context) : weakening :=
match Γ with
| nil => _wk_empty
| cons _ Γ' => _wk_up (_wk_id Γ')
Transforms an (intentional) weakening into a renaming.
Fixpoint wk_to_ren (ρ : weakening) : nat -> nat :=
match ρ with
| _wk_empty => id
| _wk_step ρ' => (wk_to_ren ρ') >> S
| _wk_up ρ' => up_ren (wk_to_ren ρ')
Lemma wk_to_ren_id Γ : (wk_to_ren (_wk_id Γ)) =1 id.
induction Γ.
1: reflexivity.
intros [] ; cbn.
2: rewrite IHΓ.
all: reflexivity.
Coercion wk_to_ren : weakening >-> Funclass.
Fixpoint wk_compose (ρ ρ' : weakening) : weakening :=
match ρ, ρ' with
| _wk_empty , _ => ρ'
| _wk_step ν , _ => _wk_step (wk_compose ν ρ')
| _wk_up ν, _wk_empty => ρ
| _wk_up ν, _wk_step ν' => _wk_step (wk_compose ν ν')
| _wk_up ν, _wk_up ν' => _wk_up (wk_compose ν ν')
Lemma wk_compose_compose (ρ ρ' : weakening) : wk_to_ren (wk_compose ρ ρ') =1 ρ' >> ρ.
induction ρ in ρ' |- *.
- reflexivity.
- cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now fsimpl.
- destruct ρ'.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now asimpl.
+ cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now asimpl.
match ρ with
| _wk_empty => id
| _wk_step ρ' => (wk_to_ren ρ') >> S
| _wk_up ρ' => up_ren (wk_to_ren ρ')
Lemma wk_to_ren_id Γ : (wk_to_ren (_wk_id Γ)) =1 id.
induction Γ.
1: reflexivity.
intros [] ; cbn.
2: rewrite IHΓ.
all: reflexivity.
Coercion wk_to_ren : weakening >-> Funclass.
Fixpoint wk_compose (ρ ρ' : weakening) : weakening :=
match ρ, ρ' with
| _wk_empty , _ => ρ'
| _wk_step ν , _ => _wk_step (wk_compose ν ρ')
| _wk_up ν, _wk_empty => ρ
| _wk_up ν, _wk_step ν' => _wk_step (wk_compose ν ν')
| _wk_up ν, _wk_up ν' => _wk_up (wk_compose ν ν')
Lemma wk_compose_compose (ρ ρ' : weakening) : wk_to_ren (wk_compose ρ ρ') =1 ρ' >> ρ.
induction ρ in ρ' |- *.
- reflexivity.
- cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now fsimpl.
- destruct ρ'.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now asimpl.
+ cbn.
rewrite IHρ.
now asimpl.
Well-formed weakenings between two contexts
Inductive well_weakening : weakening -> context -> context -> Type :=
| well_empty : well_weakening _wk_empty ε ε
| well_step {Γ Δ : context} (A : term) (ρ : weakening) :
well_weakening ρ Γ Δ -> well_weakening (_wk_step ρ) (Γ,, A) Δ
| well_up {Γ Δ : context} (A : term) (ρ : weakening) :
well_weakening ρ Γ Δ -> well_weakening (_wk_up ρ) (Γ,, ren_term ρ A) (Δ,, A).
Lemma well_wk_id (Γ : context) : well_weakening (_wk_id Γ) Γ Γ.
induction Γ as [|d].
1: econstructor.
replace d with (d⟨wk_to_ren (_wk_id Γ)⟩) at 2.
1: now econstructor.
rewrite wk_to_ren_id.
now asimpl.
Lemma well_wk_compose {ρ ρ' : weakening} {Δ Δ' Δ'' : context} :
well_weakening ρ Δ Δ' -> well_weakening ρ' Δ' Δ'' -> well_weakening (wk_compose ρ ρ') Δ Δ''.
intros H H'.
induction H as [| | ? ? ? ν] in ρ', Δ'', H' |- *.
all: cbn.
- eassumption.
- econstructor. auto.
- inversion H' as [| | ? ? A' ν']; subst ; clear H'.
1: now econstructor ; auto.
replace (ren_term (ν' >> ν) A') with (ren_term (wk_compose ν ν') A')
by now rewrite wk_compose_compose.
econstructor ; auto.
#[projections(primitive)]Record wk_well_wk {Γ Δ : context} :=
{ wk :> weakening ; well_wk :> well_weakening wk Γ Δ}.
Arguments wk_well_wk : clear implicits.
Arguments Build_wk_well_wk : clear implicits.
Notation "Γ ≤ Δ" := (wk_well_wk Γ Δ).
#[global] Hint Resolve well_wk : core.
#[global] Instance Ren1_wk {Y Z : Type} `(ren : Ren1 (nat -> nat) Y Z) :
(Ren1 weakening Y Z) := fun ρ t => t⟨wk_to_ren ρ⟩.
#[global] Instance Ren1_well_wk {Y Z : Type} `{Ren1 (nat -> nat) Y Z} {Γ Δ : context} :
(Ren1 (Γ ≤ Δ) Y Z) :=
fun ρ t => t⟨wk_to_ren ρ.(wk)⟩.
Arguments Ren1_wk {_ _ _} _ _/.
Arguments Ren1_well_wk {_ _ _ _ _} _ _/.
Ltac fold_wk_ren :=
change (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren_term (wk_to_ren (@wk _ _ ?ρ)))
with (@ren1 _ _ _ (@Ren1_well_wk _ _ _ _ _) ρ);
change (@ren1 _ _ _ (@Ren1_wk _ _ _) (@wk _ _ ?ρ))
with (@ren1 _ _ _ (@Ren1_well_wk _ _ _ _ _) ρ).
Smpl Add 20 fold_wk_ren : refold.
Ltac change_well_wk :=
change ren_term with (@ren1 _ _ _ Ren1_well_wk) in *.
Smpl Add 10 change_well_wk : refold.
Constructors of well-typed weakenings
Definition wk_empty : (ε ≤ ε) := {| wk := _wk_empty ; well_wk := well_empty |}.
Definition wk_step {Γ Δ} A (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ) : (Γ,,A) ≤ Δ :=
{| wk := _wk_step ρ ; well_wk := well_step A ρ ρ |}.
Definition wk_up {Γ Δ} A (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ) : (Γ,, A⟨ρ⟩) ≤ (Δ ,, A) :=
{| wk := _wk_up ρ ; well_wk := well_up A ρ ρ |}.
Definition wk_id {Γ} : Γ ≤ Γ :=
{| wk := _wk_id Γ ; well_wk := well_wk_id Γ |}.
Definition wk_well_wk_compose {Γ Γ' Γ'' : context} (ρ : Γ ≤ Γ') (ρ' : Γ' ≤ Γ'') : Γ ≤ Γ'' :=
{| wk := wk_compose ρ.(wk) ρ'.(wk) ; well_wk := well_wk_compose ρ.(well_wk) ρ'.(well_wk) |}.
Notation "ρ ∘w ρ'" := (wk_well_wk_compose ρ ρ').
Definition wk1 {Γ} A : Γ,, A ≤ Γ := wk_step A (wk_id (Γ := Γ)).
Lemma well_length {Γ Δ : context} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ) : #|Δ| <= #|Γ|.
destruct ρ as [ρ wellρ].
induction wellρ.
all: cbn ; lia.
Lemma id_ren (Γ : context) (ρ : Γ ≤ Γ) : ρ.(wk) = (_wk_id Γ).
destruct ρ as [ρ wellρ] ; cbn.
pose proof (@eq_refl _ #|Γ|) as eΓ.
revert eΓ wellρ.
generalize Γ at 2 4.
intros Δ e wellρ.
induction wellρ in e |- *.
all: cbn.
- reflexivity.
- pose proof (well_length {| wk := ρ ; well_wk := wellρ |}).
now cbn in * ; lia.
- rewrite IHwellρ.
2: now cbn in * ; lia.
Lemma wk1_ren {Γ A} : @wk1 Γ A =1 ↑.
intros ? ; cbv -[wk_to_ren _wk_id]. cbn.
now rewrite wk_to_ren_id.
Lemma wk_up_ren {Γ Δ A} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) :
wk_up A ρ =1 upRen_term_term ρ.
intros; cbn; now asimpl.
Lemma in_ctx_wk (Γ Δ : context) n decl (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) :
in_ctx Γ n decl ->
in_ctx Δ (ρ n) (ren_term ρ decl).
intros Hdecl.
destruct ρ as [ρ wfρ] ; cbn.
induction wfρ in n, decl, Hdecl |- *.
- cbn; now asimpl.
- cbn.
replace (ren_term (ρ >> S) decl) with (decl⟨ρ⟩⟨↑⟩) by now asimpl.
now econstructor.
- destruct n ; cbn.
+ cbn.
inversion Hdecl ; subst ; clear Hdecl.
replace (ren_term _ A⟨↑⟩) with (A⟨ρ⟩⟨↑⟩) by now asimpl.
now constructor.
+ inversion Hdecl ; subst ; cbn in *.
replace (ren_term _ (ren_term ↑ d)) with (d⟨ρ⟩⟨↑⟩) by now asimpl.
now econstructor.
Section RenWhnf.
Variable (ρ : nat -> nat).
Lemma whne_ren t : whne t -> whne (t⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: now econstructor.
Lemma whnf_ren t : whnf t -> whnf (t⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isType_ren A : isType A -> isType (A⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isPosType_ren A : isPosType A -> isPosType (A⟨ρ⟩).
destruct 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isFun_ren f : isFun f -> isFun (f⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isPair_ren f : isPair f -> isPair (f⟨ρ⟩).
induction 1 ; cbn.
all: econstructor.
now eapply whne_ren.
Lemma isCanonical_ren t : isCanonical t <~> isCanonical (t⟨ρ⟩).
all: destruct t ; cbn ; inversion 1.
all: now econstructor.
End RenWhnf.
Section RenWlWhnf.
Context {Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ).
Lemma whne_ren_wl t : whne t -> whne (t⟨ρ⟩).
apply whne_ren.
Lemma whnf_ren_wl t : whnf t -> whnf (t⟨ρ⟩).
apply whnf_ren.
Lemma isType_ren_wl A : isType A -> isType (A⟨ρ⟩).
apply isType_ren.
Lemma isPosType_ren_wl A : isPosType A -> isPosType (A⟨ρ⟩).
apply isPosType_ren.
Lemma isFun_ren_wl f : isFun f -> isFun (f⟨ρ⟩).
apply isFun_ren.
Lemma isPair_ren_wl f : isPair f -> isPair (f⟨ρ⟩).
apply isPair_ren.
Lemma isCanonical_ren_wl t : isCanonical t <~> isCanonical (t⟨ρ⟩).
apply isCanonical_ren.
End RenWlWhnf.
#[global] Hint Resolve whne_ren whnf_ren isType_ren isPosType_ren isFun_ren isCanonical_ren : gen_typing.
#[global] Hint Resolve whne_ren_wl whnf_ren_wl isType_ren_wl isPosType_ren_wl isFun_ren_wl isCanonical_ren_wl : gen_typing.
Ltac bsimpl' :=
repeat (first
[ progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_term
| progress setoid_rewrite substRen_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite substRen_term
| progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_term
| progress setoid_rewrite renRen'_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite renRen_term
| progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_term
| progress setoid_rewrite varL'_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite varL'_term
| progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_term
| progress setoid_rewrite instId'_term_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite instId'_term
| progress setoid_rewrite wk_to_ren_id
| progress setoid_rewrite wk_compose_compose
| progress setoid_rewrite id_ren
| progress setoid_rewrite wk1_ren
| progress unfold
up_term_term, upRen_term_term, up_ren, wk_well_wk_compose,
wk_id, wk_step, wk_up, wk_empty (**, _wk_up, _wk_step *)
| progress cbn[subst_term ren_term wk wk_to_ren]
| progress fsimpl ]).
Ltac bsimpl := check_no_evars;
unfold VarInstance_term, Var, ids, Ren_term, Ren1, ren1,
Up_term_term, Up_term, up_term, Subst_term, Subst1, subst1,
Ren1_subst, Ren1_wk, Ren1_well_wk
in *; bsimpl'; minimize.
Lemmas for easier rewriting
Lemma subst_ren_wk_up {Γ Δ P A n} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ): P[n..]⟨ρ⟩ = P⟨wk_up A ρ⟩[n⟨ρ⟩..].
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma subst_ren_wk_up2 {Γ Δ P A B a b} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ):
P[a .: b..]⟨ρ⟩ = P⟨wk_up A (wk_up B ρ)⟩[a⟨ρ⟩ .: b⟨ρ⟩..].
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma subst_ren_subst_mixed {Γ Δ P n} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ): P[n..]⟨ρ⟩ = P[n⟨ρ⟩ .: ρ >> tRel].
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma subst_ren_subst_mixed2 {Γ Δ P a b} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ): P[a .: b..]⟨ρ⟩ = P[a⟨ρ⟩ .: (b⟨ρ⟩ .: ρ >> tRel)].
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_up_ren_subst {Γ Δ Ξ P A n} (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ) (ρ' : Δ ≤ Ξ) :
P[n .: ρ ∘w ρ' >> tRel] = P⟨wk_up A ρ'⟩[n .: ρ >> tRel].
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma shift_subst_scons {B a Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : B⟨↑⟩[a .: ρ >> tRel] = B⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. bsimpl; now rewrite rinstInst'_term. Qed.
Lemma shift_upRen ρ t : t⟨ρ⟩⟨↑⟩ = t⟨↑⟩⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩.
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_comp_ren_on {Γ Δ Ξ} (H : term) (ρ1 : Γ ≤ Δ) (ρ2 : Δ ≤ Ξ) :
H⟨ρ2⟩⟨ρ1⟩ = H⟨ρ1 ∘w ρ2⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_id_ren_on Γ (H : term) : H⟨@wk_id Γ⟩ = H.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk1_ren_on Γ F (H : term) : H⟨@wk1 Γ F⟩ = H⟨↑⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_up_ren_on Γ Δ (ρ : Γ ≤ Δ) F (H : term) : H⟨wk_up F ρ⟩ = H⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_up_wk1_ren_on Γ F G (H : term) : H⟨wk_up F (@wk1 Γ G)⟩ = H⟨upRen_term_term ↑⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_arr {A B Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : arr A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨ρ⟩ = (arr A B)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_elimSuccHypTy {P Γ Δ} A (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) :
elimSuccHypTy P⟨wk_up A ρ⟩ = (elimSuccHypTy P)⟨ρ⟩.
unfold elimSuccHypTy; cbn; f_equal; now bsimpl.
Lemma wk_prod {A B Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tProd A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨wk_up A ρ⟩ = (tProd A B)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_sig {A B Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tSig A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨wk_up A ρ⟩ = (tSig A B)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_pair {A B a b Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tPair A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨wk_up A ρ⟩ a⟨ρ⟩ b⟨ρ⟩ = (tPair A B a b)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_fst {p Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tFst p⟨ρ⟩ = (tFst p)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Lemma wk_snd {p Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tSnd p⟨ρ⟩ = (tSnd p)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Lemma wk_comp {Γ Δ A f g} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : (comp A f g)⟨ρ⟩ = comp A⟨ρ⟩ f⟨ρ⟩ g⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_Id {A x y Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tId A⟨ρ⟩ x⟨ρ⟩ y⟨ρ⟩ = (tId A x y)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Lemma wk_refl {A x Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : tRefl A⟨ρ⟩ x⟨ρ⟩ = (tRefl A x)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Lemma wk_step_wk1 {A t Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : t⟨ρ⟩⟨@wk1 Δ A⟩ = t⟨wk_step A ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_up_wk1 {A t Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : t⟨ρ⟩⟨@wk1 Δ A⟨ρ⟩⟩ = t⟨@wk1 Γ A⟩⟨wk_up A ρ⟩.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_idElim {A x P hr y e Δ Γ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) :
tIdElim A⟨ρ⟩ x⟨ρ⟩ P⟨wk_up (tId A⟨@wk1 Γ A⟩ x⟨@wk1 Γ A⟩ (tRel 0)) (wk_up A ρ)⟩ hr⟨ρ⟩ y⟨ρ⟩ e⟨ρ⟩ = (tIdElim A x P hr y e)⟨ρ⟩.
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Lemma wk_comp_lunit {Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : wk_id ∘w ρ =1 ρ.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_comp_runit {Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) : ρ ∘w wk_id =1 ρ.
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk_comp_assoc {Γ Δ Ξ ζ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (ρ' : Ξ ≤ Δ) (ρ'' : ζ ≤ Ξ) :
(ρ'' ∘w ρ') ∘w ρ =1 ρ'' ∘w (ρ' ∘w ρ).
Proof. now bsimpl. Qed.
Lemma wk1_irr {Γ Γ' A A' t} : t⟨@wk1 Γ A⟩ = t⟨@wk1 Γ' A'⟩.
Proof. intros; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on. Qed.