LogRel.Decidability.Execution: example executions of the type checker, in Coq.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils Notations BasicAst Context GenericTyping DeclarativeTyping DeclarativeInstance BundledAlgorithmicTyping AlgorithmicTypingProperties.
From PartialFun Require Import Monad PartialFun.
From LogRel.Decidability Require Import Functions Soundness.
From LogRel Require TermNotations.
Import DeclarativeTypingProperties.
Import IndexedDefinitions.
#[local] Definition infer (Γ : context) (t : term) : Fueled (result term) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (inf_state;Γ;tt;t)).
#[local] Definition check (Γ : context) (T t : term) : Fueled (result unit) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (check_state;Γ;T;t)).
#[local] Definition check_ty (Γ : context) (t : term) : Fueled (result unit) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;Γ;tt;t)).
#[local] Definition conv_tm (Γ : context) (T: term) (t1 : term) (t2 : term) : Fueled _ :=
(fueled conv 1000 (tm_state;Γ;T;t1;t2)).
Ltac infer_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?t : ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (inf_state;ε;tt;t) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (inf_state;_)) ; reflexivity)
end ; auto.
Ltac wf_ty_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (wf_ty_state;ε;tt;T) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;_)) ; reflexivity)
end ; auto.
Ltac check_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?t : ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (check_state;ε;T;t) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (check_state;_)) ; reflexivity) ;
eassert (graph typing (wf_ty_state;ε;tt;T) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;_)) ; reflexivity) ;
Import TermNotations.
(*** A series of example, each time the term in Coq first, then a proof that it type-checks
in our system, proven via reification. *)
Check ((0;0) : ∑ x : nat, nat).
Goal ⟪ ε |- (0 : ℕ; 0 : ℕ) : ℕ × ℕ⟫.
Check ((fun x => nat_rec (fun _ => nat) 0 (fun _ ih => S (S ih)) x) : nat -> nat).
Goal ⟪ε |- λ ℕ, indℕ ℕ 0 (λ ℕ, λ ℕ, x₀.+2) 2 : ℕ → ℕ⟫.
Check (eq_refl : (nat_rect (fun _ => Type) nat (fun _ ih => nat -> ih) 3) = (nat -> nat -> nat -> nat)).
Goal ⟪ ε |- rfl □ (ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) :
(ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) =⟨ □ ⟩ indℕ □ ℕ (λ ℕ, λ □, ℕ → x₀) 3⟫.
From LogRel Require Import Utils Notations BasicAst Context GenericTyping DeclarativeTyping DeclarativeInstance BundledAlgorithmicTyping AlgorithmicTypingProperties.
From PartialFun Require Import Monad PartialFun.
From LogRel.Decidability Require Import Functions Soundness.
From LogRel Require TermNotations.
Import DeclarativeTypingProperties.
Import IndexedDefinitions.
#[local] Definition infer (Γ : context) (t : term) : Fueled (result term) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (inf_state;Γ;tt;t)).
#[local] Definition check (Γ : context) (T t : term) : Fueled (result unit) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (check_state;Γ;T;t)).
#[local] Definition check_ty (Γ : context) (t : term) : Fueled (result unit) :=
(fueled typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;Γ;tt;t)).
#[local] Definition conv_tm (Γ : context) (T: term) (t1 : term) (t2 : term) : Fueled _ :=
(fueled conv 1000 (tm_state;Γ;T;t1;t2)).
Ltac infer_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?t : ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (inf_state;ε;tt;t) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (inf_state;_)) ; reflexivity)
end ; auto.
Ltac wf_ty_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (wf_ty_state;ε;tt;T) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;_)) ; reflexivity)
end ; auto.
Ltac check_auto :=
match goal with
| |- [ε |- ?t : ?T] =>
assert [|- ε] by econstructor ;
eassert (graph typing (check_state;ε;T;t) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (check_state;_)) ; reflexivity) ;
eassert (graph typing (wf_ty_state;ε;tt;T) (ok _))
as ?%implem_typing_sound%algo_typing_sound
by (apply (fueled_graph_sound typing 1000 (wf_ty_state;_)) ; reflexivity) ;
Import TermNotations.
(*** A series of example, each time the term in Coq first, then a proof that it type-checks
in our system, proven via reification. *)
Check ((0;0) : ∑ x : nat, nat).
Goal ⟪ ε |- (0 : ℕ; 0 : ℕ) : ℕ × ℕ⟫.
Check ((fun x => nat_rec (fun _ => nat) 0 (fun _ ih => S (S ih)) x) : nat -> nat).
Goal ⟪ε |- λ ℕ, indℕ ℕ 0 (λ ℕ, λ ℕ, x₀.+2) 2 : ℕ → ℕ⟫.
Check (eq_refl : (nat_rect (fun _ => Type) nat (fun _ ih => nat -> ih) 3) = (nat -> nat -> nat -> nat)).
Goal ⟪ ε |- rfl □ (ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) :
(ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) =⟨ □ ⟩ indℕ □ ℕ (λ ℕ, λ □, ℕ → x₀) 3⟫.